Check In

Ok – so of course because I laid out my entire week of workouts it is not going as planned. Such is my life…..  So Monday I ran but just a little over a mile, my foot was acting up, and I didn’t want to over do it.  I did do rpm, and I lifted – so all in all not a bad day.  Tuesday I ended up with a sick kid at home, so it threw off my plans for a workout.  I ended up going to the gym at 9pm and doing 45 mins of rpm – again another great workout.  I got a serious calorie burn going.  Wednesday was a complete and total bust.  I had a chiropractor appointment, my son had a football game, so it really just cost me my entire  day.  So here we are at Thursday….  my plan was to go to MaTRX because I didn’t think I would get to the gym in the evening because of football; however it looks like I am going to boxing tonight!  Woohoo!  Now of course Friday is going to be up in the air because I forgot that my kids have a half day of school, so I’ll need to squeeze my workout in 1st thing in the morning or not at all; which I would hate to miss because I am definitely not working out on Saturday.  I’ll keep you posted on my crazy week.  Hopefully next week goes more according to plan.  It bothers me when my plans go awry.

I haven’t been to an official boxing class in about 2 months, so I am prepared to die a little….. 🙂 Good thing is I am going to get to see some of my gym family that I haven’t seen for most of the summer.  That makes me happy.

So as many of you know I have partnered with an amazing health and wellness company and I have my own virtual franchise.  Well there is some big news coming out on Oct 3rd!!  I can’t wait to share it, and let y’all in what’s coming up for this holiday season.  Its going to be ahhhmazeballs…..

Ok well….. I am going to post tomorrow – just so you all know that I survived boxing and I am still around to tell about it!  Ha ha…..

Happy Working Out!!


Dayum Its Been Ages

Ok well to say that I took a summer break from blogging would be an understatement.  I can’t remember the last time I wrote….  hmm guess I could go look but that would be kind of depressing to see how long it really has been.  Listen let’s not dwell on the negative, lets focus on the positive and the positive is that I am back!  Woohoo!!!

Since I last posted I’ve gained some weight, injured my foot, hit 40 consecutive Sundays of running a 5k or more and completed my 3rd half marathon….  I’ve had a busy time!

Let’s talk about the negative 1st – the weight gain.  To be brutally honest, I’ve screwed around, I wasn’t on plan 100%, took way more cheat days then normal, and snacked when I didn’t need to be snacking.  I totally own my screw ups, I own that this is on me.  I made bad choices and enjoyed summer a little too much.  I have joined the Lori Harder Body and Soul group and I am using that as a new starting point for myself.  I am using the workouts and as well as focusing on my eating.  I know that I can do this, I just have to actually do it and not make so many poor choices.  It really is just a matter of choices, and me deciding to make a better choice over a poor choice.

Next up – my freaking foot injury.  I have no idea what I did; I was doing a leg workout and then all of a sudden I had foot pain.  I’ve been seeing an amazing sports chiropractor, and she has been working some kind of miracle on my foot.  The fascia release she has been doing seems to be making the difference and hopefully I will be back to normal in no time.

Now that we’ve covered all the crappy stuff and my poor decision now we can talk about the good stuff. Ok so 40 Sundays in a row I’ve run at least 3 miles or more.  Nike has this #JustDoItSunday with Kevin Hart and I started doing that, figured it would be a good way to keep moving and get some runs in.  So this past Sunday I hit run number 40!!  I am super proud of myself.  Someone on Instagram (go follow me – you know you want to @AFitCookie) pointed out that I only have 12 more to go before I hit the big one! That’s right 12 more runs until I’ve run every Sunday for an ENTIRE year!! Shut the front door…..  My mind is blown.  I’ve got this.  Nike better give me an amazing ebib or something for knocking down this goal….

Ok last up and most significant- I completed my 3rd half marathon!! Go me, go me, go me. This one was a difficult one. I didn’t get to train like I wanted due my foot issue – go read above.  The weight I gained didn’t help – go read above.  Running this half was tiring, and fulfilling.  At mile 11 I almost broke down.  Even though this is the 3rd time I’ve done it – I almost cried because even with physical issues which created mental issues  – I got through. At mile 11 I knew I was almost done, I knew that I had over come and that I had made it.  I have never been more proud of myself – other then when I walked across the stage at my college graduation with a 4 year old sitting in the audience with my husband cheering me on.  I know that there are so many people who complete this race, not only at a faster time but with more issues then me and I am total awe of them, but I am in total awe of myself.  We have 4 boys – 3 of them are younger and super busy, my husband works long hours and can’t always get home to help out at a great time; I work a 40+ hour a week job, plus run my own virtual franchise, and I still managed to get it done.  My husband supported me every step of the way; including talking me off the ledge when I started to spas about my lack of  long runs.  I am so grateful to my hubby and kids for the love and support.  I know that without them I would not be able to have completed this amazing day,

I know this was a much longer post then normal, and I appreciate each of you that have taken the time to read it.  I will be back to posting workouts and funny run thoughts.  Thank you for going through this with me and following my journey!  I am super appreciate to have each of you to “talk to”.  I hope you enjoy talking to me.

Have a great night!  I can’t wait to get back into the rhythm of posting more.